ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY HEAVY METAL (figuratively of course, if I meant literally that would be just WIERD)
LISTEN!!! OPEN YOUR EARS!!! ITS COMING!!! Hey just kiddin (or am I) Here is the real truth........Ok.......Everyone knows what tr00 Heavy Metal is........actually you DON'T! Nu metal sucks big strawberries and the only *tr00* form of metal is Death, Black, Thrash, Power(some), Speed, Grindcore, etc......Here is the tribute to Real Metal....except racist/nazi metal which is Really, Really,(insert expletive here)! Oh, yah, one more tid bit of enlightening bowl full of knowledge to ponder about while reading the daily newspaper on the john while listening to your siblings fight over which WW(E) wrestler is the strongest and most powerful ever......YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A SATANIST TO LISTEN TO *Tr00* to perform a human sacrifice.....kiddin! (or am I) actually i am (or am i)....back to the point *intelligent* people *can* listen to METAL! SNICK!
Metal Genre's
On this page i will dedicate a sub genre of metal for melodic/swedish/gothenburg death metal, death metal, brutal death metal, power metal, thrash metal, symphonic/melodic black metal, black metal, gothic metal,grindcore, hardcore, and possibly others. Enjoy!
Black Metal
Tr00 BLACK METAL I dont listen to much tr00 black metal. I dont listen to it pretty much for the reason that it is almost always overly blasphemous towards christianity and God/ i dont listen to much. But Ill put it on here anyway just to leet people know who might be interested in this type of music. Black Metal music generally consists of furious blast beats played throughout each song, raspy vocals, and an over all "cold" feeling.
Celtic Frost
Venom (not really Black Metal but heavilly influenced it)
Emperor (prometheus:the discipline of Fire and Demise is an amazing disc)
Lord Belial
Cirith Gorgor
Arkhon Infaustus
Dark Funeral
Zyklon (World ov Worms is an amazing disc:dare I say intellectual?)
Immortal (at the heart of winter, and Sons of Northern Darkness are amazing discs with pretty much no blasphemous lyrics at all.)Probably the coldest sounding band ever.
One of my personally favorite genre's of Heavy Metal: Consists of far less blast beats as tr00 black metal, "clean" singing switched back and forth between raspy vocals, and drenched overall in atmospheric, beautiful, sounding keyboards. This type of Black Metal is far less blasphemous.
The Archaic Course, Borknagar,
The Olden Domain
This band pretty much got me into underground metal with Emperorism. Borknagar mix raspy black metal vocals with soaring clean vocals. They have a lush sounding keyboard effects. This band is one of the few "beautiful" black metal bands.
Orchid, Morningrise,
Still Life, Blackwater Park
My Arms, Your Hearse
This is the greatest band ever! They mix progressive styles of music with black metal, add in amazing accoustic work, clean soaring vocals mixed with great death metal vocals. A must for any metal fan, if you dont like opeth you dont like metal. Still life is their best work with Blackwater Park folowed closely behind.
Cradle of Filth
Principle of Evil Made Flesh,
Vempire, Dusk and Her Embrace,
Cruelty and the Beast, Midian,
From the Cradle to Enslave,
Bitter Suites to Succubi
Easily the most popular black metal band (though they aren't really black metal according to the most elite) You have to NOT take this guys seriously when you listen to them because they sing about some wierd stuff. Anyway, they mix black metal with gothic elements and amazing keyboard stuff. The vocalist has the greatest range ive ever heard (although it can get annoying). Best cd is easily Vempire. Cruelty and the beast along with midian are amazing. Bitter suites is highly dissapointing. Dusk and her embrace is growing on me.
Dimmu Borgir
For All Tid,
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant,
Godless Savage Garden,
Spiritual Black Dimensions,
Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
One of my favorite bands: Dimmu sarted out, more or less, as a generic black metal band with keyboards here and there-definately nothing special. In fact, they seemed almost "wimpy". But things took a turn for the better with Enthrone Darkness Triumphant: The band became heavier, more symphonic, and more memorable all at once. The song "mourning palace" stands out. On SBD, they became even better in all these catogories and even threw in a few squeeling guitar solos. Then, the monster came, on PEM Dimmu Borgir have solidified themselves as one of the premier metal groups (they even won a grammy in germany). They further defined their music and anything known as "Black Metal":Pure Genius. DB may hear the cry "sell out", but i just say "go worship the devil, you elitist poser". Songs that stand out are "kings of the carnival creation" and "Hybrid stigmata".
Of Darkness
Beyond Sanctorum
Symphony Masses:Ho Draken Ho Mages
Lepaca Kliffoth
A'arab Zaraq Lucid Dreaming
Crowning of Atlantis
Secret of the Runes
Therion are very unique: they never have a permanent singer, and dont even call themselves a real band. On Secret of the Runes, they used a choir for vocals. Therion is a very unique metal band you should check out.
Rotting Christ(I dont listen to for obvious reasons)
Worship Him
Blood Ritual
Ceremony of Opposites
Samael started off as the run of the mill death metal bands. Then on ceremony of opposites they showed their gret potential. On Passage, my fav, they mix black metal with drum programming, synthesizers for a truely unique listen.
Lake of Tears
Ill think of more soon!
Death Metal
Now that You Know the real truth...spread the word...(or am i)..... BYE BYE BYE BYE
Swedish Death Metal